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Early years

Our aim is to support children, families and communities to aspire and achieve

We all want our children to thrive, to be happy and healthy and to reach their potential. To do this they need the best possible start in life. Aspire Foundation Early Years will support children and families to achieve this.

We provide early education across Cheltenham and Tewkesbury, with two new settings due to open soon in the Stroud and Dursley area. We offer children stimulating and exciting environments, rich in learning experiences.

Our settings are warm and nurturing, providing care and high-quality resources including staff who are highly trained in developing children’s communication and language skills.

Our staff are qualified and caring individuals who always put the child first.  

We give children the opportunity to have fun, explore and follow their own interests, building on what they already know.

We provide a welcoming and nurturing environment, with opportunities for children to gain a sense of independence and belonging, allowing them to flourish in our care. We offer play-based activities indoors and outdoors linked to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

Your child’s progress will be monitored, developed and encouraged so that they are ready for their move to school when the time comes. We use the online learning journal Tapestry.

We work closely in partnership with parents and carers and will support you to be actively involved in your child’s learning.

Sessions are available for children aged from 2-4 years, mornings and afternoons and ‘School days’ from Monday to Friday during term time.

All children are eligible for 15 hours of funded Early Education the term after their 3rd birthday. Some children are eligible for Achieving Two-year-old (A2YO) funding based on their circumstances or family income. To apply for 2 year old funding, please visit the website below for more information.

You will need your National Insurance Number to check eligibility

There may also be opportunities to pay for sessions, subject to availability. Some 3 & 4 year olds are also entitled to an extended entitlement of 30 hours a week. To find out more please visit:

Terms & Conditions apply.
We value the importance of the role of the Key Person and pride ourselves on the close working relationships we have with our families.

Policies & Procedures

Rowanfield Early Years

Rowanfield is situated in the heart of the community. It is a hub for families and has strong links with the neighbouring Rowanfield Infant School and other local schools.

 We use three bright, spacious, welcoming rooms which each have free-flow access to the fantastic shared outdoor area with large climbing frame and slide plus areas for digging, planting and encouraging wildlife.  This provides the children with a stimulating and inviting environment in which to play and learn. 

We also have access to the Forest School, Trim Trail and playground within the grounds of Rowanfield school. Our additional on-site facilities also include a small Soft Playroom.  

We provide children with the best possible care and educational opportunities regardless of any disability or special need. All our settings are accessible and have appropriate facilities.

Contact us
Contact the Early Years Lead
01242 524584

Rowanfield Early Years Alstone Lane
GL51 8HY

Ofsted Information
Ofsted URN EY474927
Last Inspection Judgement: Good

Opening Times
The setting is open term time only Monday to Friday for morning, afternoon and ‘School day’ sessions running between 8:30am – 3:30pm. We offer Breakfast club, Lunch club subject to demand.

Gardners Lane Early Years

Gardners Lane is situated in the heart of the community. It is a hub for families and has strong links with the neighbouring school, Gardners Lane Primary School, which is also run by our organisation. We also have good relationships with many other local schools.

We use three bright, spacious, welcoming rooms which each have free-flow access to one of our two fantastic outdoor areas. This provides the children with a stimulating and inviting environment in which to play and learn. Our additional on-site facilities include a Sensory Room and a large Soft Play Area. We also have access to the Forest School and playing field on the grounds of Gardners Lane Primary School.

We provide children with the best possible care and educational opportunities regardless of any disability or special need. All our settings are accessible and have appropriate facilities.

Contact us
Contact the Early Years Lead
01242 252185

Gardners Lane Early Years
Gardners Lane
GL51 9JW

Ofsted Information
Ofsted URN EY474932
Last Inspection Judgement: Good

Opening Times
The setting is open term time only Monday to Friday for morning, afternoon and ‘School day’ sessions running between 8:30am – 3:30pm. We offer Breakfast club, Lunch club subject to demand.

Hesters Way Early Years

Hesters Way is situated in the heart of the community, it is a hub for families and has strong links with the neighbouring school, Hesters Way and other local schools.

We use three bright, spacious, welcoming rooms which each have free-flow access to one of our two fantastic outdoor areas. This provides the children with a stimulating and inviting environment in which to play and learn. Our additional on-site facilities include a Sensory Room and a large Soft Play Area. We also have access to the Forest school and playing field on the grounds of Hester’s Way Primary School.

We provide children with the best possible care and educational opportunities regardless of any disability or special need. All our settings are accessible and have appropriate facilities.

Contact us
Contact the Early Years Lead
01242 222490

Hesters Way Early Years
Dill Avenue
GL51 0ES

Ofsted Information
Ofsted URN EY474915
Last Inspection Judgement: Good

Opening Times
The setting is open term time only Monday to Friday for morning, afternoon and ‘School day’ sessions running between 8:30am – 3:30pm. We offer Breakfast club, Lunch club subject to demand.

Oakwood Early Years

Oakwood is situated in the heart of the community, it is a hub for families and has strong links with the neighbouring school, Oakwood Primary School.

We use three bright, spacious, welcoming rooms which each have free-flow access to fantastic outdoor areas. This provides the children with a stimulating and inviting environment in which to play and learn. Our additional on-site facilities include a Sensory Room, a large Soft Play Area and a large communal garden.

We provide children with the best possible care and educational opportunities regardless of any disability or special need. All our settings are accessible and have appropriate facilities.

Contact us
Contact the Early Years Lead
01242 513010

Oakwood Early Years
Clyde Crescent
GL52 5QH

Ofsted Information
Ofsted URN EY474915
Last Inspection Judgement: Good

Opening Times
The setting is open term time only Monday to Friday for morning, afternoon and ‘School day’ sessions running between 8:30am – 3:30pm. We offer Breakfast club, Lunch club subject to demand.

Noah's Ark Early Years

Noah’s Ark is situated in the heart of the community, it is a hub for families and has strong links with the neighbouring school, Queen Margaret Primary.

We have spacious, bright welcoming rooms, which together with our fantastic outdoor area, provide the children with a stimulating and inviting environment in which to play and learn. The children also have use of the nearby school playing field, adventure playground, Forest school and outdoor classroom.

We provide children with the best possible care and educational opportunities regardless of any disability or special need. All our settings are accessible and have appropriate facilities.

Contact us
Contact the Early Years Lead
01684 276361

Noah’s Ark Early Years
York Road
GL20 5HU

Ofsted Information
Ofsted URN EY547475
Last Inspection Judgement: Good

Opening Times
The setting is open term time only Monday to Friday for morning, afternoon and ‘School day’ sessions running between 8:30am – 3:30pm. We offer Breakfast club, Lunch club subject to demand.

Coming Soon:

Parliament Early Years
Bisley Old Road

Treetops Early Years
GL11 4NZ

For more information please contact our Early Years Lead: 07517829868

Visit us

Gardners Lane Children and Family Centre, Gardners Lane, Cheltenham, GL51 9JW